The serial number tells you very little. Your number simply confirms that the car is a 1955 Champion Six model 16G6. The body number off the firewall would confirm that along with the body style. You can get a copy of your cars original production order from the Studebaker National Museum Archives. For info see: -orders/
The majority of VIN decoders on the market do not actually decode all 17 digits of the VIN, as the build data required to do this is either unavailable or too expensive. Instead, most VIN decoders decode the VIN pattern made up of positions 1-8, 10, and 11. The remaining characters of the VIN are in position 9 (check digit) and positions 12-17 (serial number). The check digit is used for VIN validation and the serial number is what makes each VIN unique.
Studebaker Serial Number Decoder
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The NHTSA has required all vehicles manufactured since 1981 be assigned a 17-digit VIN number. Prior to 1981, there was no VIN standard. VIN formats, including length and encoded vehicle details, would vary across different manufacturers. Many foreign manufacturers would just assign engine numbers and serial numbers.
States used the manufactures serial numbers before VINs were in use. The manufactures serial number is on the drivers door post. Some states used the engine number for title/registration use, check both numbers for past records.
Please use the following tables to help determine the approximate age of your watch. Remove or open the back cover from your watch and look for a number engraved into the movement; this is the serial number for your watch, and by using it, you can find the closest years it was made on these tables. Please note there is a difference between the number marked on the movement and the one marked on the case. These tables are only accurate for the movement serial numbers.